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New York is an attitude.
A way of being.
It’s a State of Mind.


About my blog


The more I walk around the streets of New York, the more I get just how much this city is a metaphor for life. It's an attitude. A way of being. It's a State of Mind.

Whether you’ve personally been seduced by her energy, or only ever had a fleeting moment with her from a distance, New York has something to teach us all.

This blog is a mash-up: where lessons from the City, meet lessons from Life.



My story

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Backstory to new story

The day I was born, my parents were handed my birth certificate. And I was handed a document even more significant.

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New York. It’s a calling.

They say be careful what you wish for. I say don’t be careful. Wish out loud. You never know where a few words can lead you.

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New York State of Mind